Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The good 'ol days.

I was going to post on something paranormal tonight, but I always seem to change my mind at the last minute and have done so again. But this post HAD to be made because unless I write out the excitement in my head, it's not going to go away.

So anyway, I'm going through my desk and I come across an old memory stick from a year and a half ago. I bought this when I first started writing. Instantly, I got excited. I popped it in and BAM, the first story I ever wrote is staring me in the face. I pull it up and start reading it noticing a ton of Purple Prose, editing mistakes out the wazoo, but....the same story I fell in love with. The Pleasure of Lies is the only Historical Erotica I have ever written, and I have every intention of fixing this novel and submitting it.

For those of you who know me, know that I'm a HUGE historical lover. Before I started writing, I was devouring a romance novel every day. And I'm not exaggerating either, ask my husband, lol. I can't tell you how many times I was ask when I was coming to bed. Usually, I didn't until the wee hours of the morning....okay more like 5 am. But still, I couldn't stop. I was addicting to the beauty of romance. Maybe it's why I write such character driven stories. The need to feel the MC's emotions and see how they grow towards one another drives me to keep creating.

And even as I end this, I think I could go on and on........maybe next time I will. :)

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